Energy Balance For Self Care & Well-Being

Energy Balance For Self Care & Well-Being

By Kendra Dyer Crabb

Can I be a bit vulnerable with you? This may sound strange, but it used to be hard for me to just be myself around other people.

The Struggle Is Real
Whenever I was in social situations, I could feel my nervous system activate. This happened even when I was surrounded by people I loved and felt comfortable with - AND IT DROVE ME CRAZY!

It felt like something inside of me would shift, making it so hard to just relax and be myself. No matter how bad I wanted to be my most amazing, beautiful, compassionate, and FUN self, I always felt a little on edge, almost like I was holding back.

A New Beginning
It wasn’t until I started to understand what was happening in my energy body that everything shifted. I realized these reactions were tied to old subconscious beliefs about who I needed to be, to feel accepted.

I especially felt this in my heart center, which is deeply connected to our social identity. Once I understood how my body was holding onto those old stories, I was able to begin releasing them.

More and more I felt in tune and at ease in social situations. This is what it means when people say, “Your internal reality creates your external reality.”

When your energy body is frozen in past experiences or limiting beliefs, it shapes how you interact with everything.

When you release those blocks, the world around you starts to shift. This is when you become attuned to what you truly desire—love, joy, abundance, connection and fulfillment.

The Takeaway
It all starts with understanding yourself a little better.

Visit Kendra's website here.
and listen to her podcast here.

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