By Stephanie Stephenson
As a young actor just out of college, stepping into my first professional theatre audition was like diving into the deep end of an icy pool. Surrounded by seasoned adults effortlessly warming up, reciting monologues, and perfectly dressed for their roles, I felt a wave of insignificance wash over me.
With no audition experience to my name and fear gnawing at my ability to remember my song's lyrics, every instinct told me to turn and slip quietly out the door, convinced no one would notice my absence.
Fear & comparison was on the verge of taking hold, but something kept me rooted to the spot.
In the end, I'm glad I stayed. It taught me that every journey, no matter how daunting, starts with a single, courageous step into the unknown, believing that what God has is for my good.
I was cast in that first show, which resulted in a trajectory for my life that spanned 20 years, with literally millions of people hearing about Jesus through the shows I was a part of.
In 1 Peter 1:2, truth says, “Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied..”
Friends, You were created for more.
Consider This:
When you live in a constant state of despair, comparison, defeat, jealousy, or fear you are missing out on the purpose of salvation. He created you for His glory. He created you for meaning and significance. He created you to believe in His life.
When He said believe in Him, He meant believe in all that He is. Life! Love! Joy! Peace! Confidence! Strength! Beautiful gifts from Him to you. All of which bring freedom from the “death” thoughts and emotions that plague you.
Pray with me?
Lord, thank you for who you are. Sometimes we get caught in a vortex of negativity and pain and we begin to live in a picture that was never intended for us. I pray for my friend to take a step out of darkness and into your light today.
In Jesus Name,
To learn more about Stephanie click here.
To visit The Jesus Transformation Project click here.