By Stephanie Stephenson
Recently, my family faced a moment that we never anticipated—a cancer diagnosis that came to light through my younger brother’s visit to the doctor. He had been grappling with troubling symptoms for some time, and the word 'cancer' echoed through our lives with a chilling resonance. The instant you hear that diagnosis, your mind begins to race, processing the reality at an unprecedented pace.
The uncertainty that looms over the future, coupled with the visceral fear of a loved one experiencing not only physical but also emotional torment, can be overwhelmingly distressing. Such news conjures a flood of emotions that are hard to navigate.
In Psalms 40:8, truth says, “I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.”
With God, we have nothing to fear.
Consider This Friend:
The darkness you may be walking through is a cup God may have allowed you to drink. Jesus himself accepted the “cup” to be crucified, when he could have called down an army of angels to save himself.
He accepted it because it was mixed by the Father and given to Him by the Father’s hand. He didn’t resist it because He came to do the God’s will and finish the work He gave Him to do. Since God had mixed and measured the contents of the cup, Jesus knew He had nothing to fear.
Pray with me?
Father, thank you for mixing our cup as you did your son’s. You’ve prepared it for us in love and while we may suffer pain and heartbreak, you will eventually transform that suffering into glory as we align our hearts with yours. Thank you for sending us, in Jesus, the perfect example of submission to your will. Such a greater plan unfolded for us through His obedience and will
through ours!
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thanks for joining me!
See you next time!
To learn more about Stephanie click here.
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