When Your Connection Feels Broken

When Your Connection Feels Broken

By Stephanie Stephenson

Moving to a new home can truly turn your world upside down, can't it? My daughter and I had just settled into our new place, eager to start a fresh chapter, when life decided to toss us a little curve ball.

You see, in the midst of all the moving chaos, I was on the brink of launching my passion project—The Jesus Transformation Project, a life coaching practice designed to guide and inspire through virtual sessions. There was just one snag: our internet connection, or rather, the lack of it.

Despite multiple visits from repair crews, my digital lifeline simply refused to come to life.

It was like trying to start a campfire in a rainstorm!

Every attempt seemed more futile than the last, leaving me completely offline and increasingly desperate, especially as my anticipated launch date loomed closer.

Ironically, it wasn't until the fifth visit - which felt more like a charm than a scheduled repair - that the solution emerged as simple as daylight: a faulty router. Had this little culprit been spotted during the initial setup, it would have saved heaps of stress and lost time.

In Psalm 139:7-9, truth says, “Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.”

My friends, God is in everything!

Consider This:
He calls us to a life that remains connected to Him, where we are aware of him. His presence never needs to dissipate. Even when something flusters or defeats you, or tries to suffocate the awareness of His presence, remember to turn your eyes back to Him. When you feel distant from Him, look around and see if you are the one distracted because He’s always there.

Much like the router that needed repaired, if we aren’t looking within to see what things in us might need mended, we just might be missing the most powerful connection that has been or ever will be.

Pray with me?
Lord, thank you for your never ending gift of your presence. Thank you that even in the moments where we feel space from you, you are still there, always. Help us to pay attention to the glory of your love.
In Jesus Name,

To learn more about Stephanie click here.
To visit The Jesus Transformation Project click here.

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